Friday, April 21, 2017

If it did not melt so fast, would be a foot deep.

April 21. 


Mr. Loomis writes me that he saw two barn swallows in Cambridge April 1st! 

I have the Corema conradii from Plymouth, in bloom. 

It snows hard all day. If it did not melt so fast, would be a foot deep. As it is, is about three inches on a level.

H. D. Thoreau, Journal,  April 21, 1857

It snows hard all day. If it did not melt so fast, would be a foot deep.
 See April 22, 1857 ("All the shores have the aspect of winter, covered several inches deep with snow, and we see the shadows on the snow as in winter") and note to April 2, 1861 ("A drifting snow-storm, perhaps a foot deep on an average.”)

Friday at dusk we walk to the view in a drizzle the trails are wet and muddy. Jane is unable to find the bloodroot  she saw the other day in bloom on the ledge on the way up. The hermit thrush loudly sounds it's vreeen  note but does not sing Sitting at the view I notice lights, seemingly like streetlights, along S. Dorset St. But as I watch they all go out at once. After a few minutes I look back and they are back on. They are not along the street as I now see the street is marked  beyond by cars headlights. The hammock is broken loose from one of its trees and is caught in the branches of another. I untangle it and hook it back up to a rope  already tied around the tree. I help hang a windchime that fell.  There must have been a big breeze here. We go down the ridge trail longer and steeper than I remember to the head of the Moosetrail where we walk back into our land. The stream from our middle wetland is flowing down the trail. All the streams look beautiful in the dark under the headlamp. We go back up Beech Lane then over the "saddle" and eventually bushwhack to the head of the rocky trail seen in the distance by the light there.  She tells me the light can be seen farther away than expected. Down the hill trying to avoid slipping in the mud or stepping in the water the endorphins kick in at the main trail and we walk home elated in the rain

At the main trail walk
home elated in the rain,
endorphins kicked in.

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