Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Book of the Seasons: April 6

Flowers advance as
steadily as a clock. Nature
loses no moment.

Hum of honey-bees
attracted by the flower
of the skunk cabbage

April 6, 1853

A still warmer day
than yesterday — a warm, moist
rain-smelling west wind

white maples resound 
with the hum of honey-bees 
like a summer dream.

they know where
to look for the white maple
and when.

April 6, 1854

Vegetation comes
not by a steady progress
but by fits and starts.

April 6, 1860

See a plate of the Colias Philodice, or common sulphur-yellow butterfly, male and female of different tinge. April 6, 1857

 A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau
"A book, each page written in its own season,
out-of-doors, in its own locality.”
~edited, assembled and rewritten by zphx © 2009-2016

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