Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Book of the Seasons: April 28 (boisterous spring winds, earliest flowers, first greenness, a new season, insects, myrtle warbler, black and white warbler, nature's repose)

 The year is but a succession of days,
and I see that I could assign some office to each day
which, summed up, would be the history of the year.
Henry Thoreau, August 24, 1852

 April 28.

Circular patches
of snow in the shadow of
the still leafless trees.

Spring flowers flash out –
the blossom precedes the leaf.
So with poetry?

I hear first to-day
the seezer seezer of the
black and white creeper.

Willows now in bloom 
resound with the hum of bees 
this warm afternoon. 

The hum of insects
like noise of one's own thinking –
voiceful, significant. 

April 28, 2017

Icy cold northwest wind, and snow whitening the mountains. April 28, 1857

The snow was generally gone about 10 A.M., except in circular patches in the shadow of the still leafless trees. April 28, 1858

A fine little blue-slate butterfly fluttered over the chain. Even its feeble strength was required to fetch the year about. How daring, even rash, Nature appears, who sends out butterflies so early!  April 28, 1856 

Perhaps the greenness of the landscape may be said to begin fairly now . . . during the last half of April the earth acquires a distinct tinge of green, which finally prevails over the russet. April 28, 1854

I see honey-bees laden with large pellets of the peculiar yellow pollen of the S. rostrata . . .  As you stand by such a willow in bloom and resounding with the hum of bees in a warm afternoon like this, you seem nearer to summer than elsewhere. April 28, 1860 

Again I am advertised of the approach of a new season . . .You seem to have a great companion with you, are reassured by the scarcely audible hum, as if it were the noise of your own thinking. April 28, 1860 

Are not the flowers which appear earliest in the spring the most primitive and simplest? . . . This may, perhaps, be nearly the order of the world's creation. Thus we have in the spring of the year the spring of the world represented.    April 28, 1852

How suddenly the flowers bloom! . . . The spring flowers wait not to perfect their leaves before they expand their blossoms. The blossom in so many cases precedes the leaf; so with poetry? They flash out. April 28, 1852

In the most favorable locality you will find flowers earlier than the May goers will believe. This year, at least, one flower hardly precedes another, but as soon as the storms are over and pleasant weather comes, all blossom at once, having been retarded so long. This appears to be particularly true of the herbaceous flowers. How much does this happen every year? April 28, 1852

Many Anemone nemorosa in full bloom at the further end of Yellow Thistle Meadow, in that warm nook by the brook, some probably a day or two there. April 28, 1856

The red maples, now in bloom, are quite handsome at a distance over the flooded meadow beyond Peter’s. The abundant wholesome gray of the trunks and stems beneath surmounted by the red or scarlet crescents. April 28, 1855 

See, but not yet hear, the familiar chewink amid the dry leaves amid the underwood on the meadow’s edge. April 28, 1856

I hear to-day frequently the seezer seezer seezer of the black and white creeper. It is not a note, nor a bird, to attract attention; only suggesting still warmer weather, —that the season has revolved so much further. April 28, 1856 

Sit on Ball's Hill. . . . The wind is northeast, and at the western base of the hill we are quite sheltered; yet the waves run quite high April 28, 1859

The first myrtle-bird that I have noticed. April 28, 1859

The wind is strong from the northwest. Land at Ball’s Hill to look for birds under the shelter of the hill in the sun. There are a great many myrtle-birds here, — they have been quite common for a week, — also yellow redpolls, and some song sparrows, tree sparrows, field sparrows, and one F. hyemalis. April 28, 1855

The myrtle-birds flit before us in great numbers, yet quite tame, uttering commonly only a chip, but some times a short trill or che che, che che, che che. Do I hear the tull-lull in the afternoon? It is a bird of many colors, — slate, yellow, black, and white, — singularly spotted. April 28, 1855 

I see the myrtle-bird in the same sunny place, south of the Island woods, as formerly. Thus are the earliest seen each spring in some warm and calm place by the waterside, when it is cool and blustering elsewhere. April 28, 1858

The barn swallows and a martin are already skimming low over that small area of smooth water within a few feet of me, never leaving that spot, and I do not observe them thus playing elsewhere. Incessantly stooping back and forth there.  April 28, 1858

Those little gnats of the 21st are still in the air in the sun under this hill, but elsewhere the cold strong wind has either drowned them or chilled them to death. I see where they have taken refuge in a boat and covered its bottom with large black patches. April 28, 1855

See a shad-fly, one only, on water. April 28, 1859

A little snake, size of little brown snake, on pine hill, but uniformly grayish above. April 28, 1859

E. Emerson's Salamandra dorsalis has just lost its skin. April 28, 1859

The spotted tortoise is spotted on shell, head, tail, and legs. April 28, 1852

Sitting on Mt. Misery, I see a very large bird of the hawk family, blackish with a partly white head but no white tail, - probably a fish hawk; sail quite near, looking very large. April 28, 1860

Blustering northwest wind and wintry aspect. A. M. — Down river to look at willows. I see the fish hawk again . . . This bird goes fishing slowly down one side of the river and up again on the other, forty to sixty feet high, continually poising itself almost or quite stationary, with its head to the northwest wind and looking down, flapping its wings enough to keep its place, some times stationary for about a minute. It is not shy. This boisterous weather is the time to see it. April 28, 1858

While standing by my compass over the supposed town bound beyond Wyman's, Farrar having just gone along northeast on the town line, I saw with the side of my eye some black creature crossing the road . . . and I first thought of a large black weasel, then of a large black squirrel, then wondered if it could be a pine marten. I now try to think it a mink. April 28, 1857

Again, as so many times, I am reminded of the advantage to the poet, and philosopher, and naturalist, and whomsoever, of pursuing from time to time some other business than his chosen one, — seeing with the side of the eye
  • The poet will so get visions which no deliberate abandonment can secure.
  •  The philosopher is so forced to recognize principles which long study might not detect. 
  • And the naturalist even will stumble upon some new and unexpected flower or animalApril 28, 1856
The boisterous spring winds cease to blow, the waves to dash, the migrating ducks to vex the air so much. You are sensible of a certain repose in nature. April 28, 1860

April 28, 2019


A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, The Red Maple
A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, the Earliest Flower.’
A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, The Yellow-Spotted Turtle (Emys guttata)
A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, Bees

April 28, 2018

April 14, 1852 (“The streams break up; the ice goes to the sea. Then sails the fish hawk overhead, looking for his prey.”)
April 21, 1855 ("All the button-bushes, etc., etc., in and about the water are now swarming with those minute fuzzy gnats about an eighth of an inch long.. . . The whole shore resounds with their hum wherever we approach it, and they cover our boat and persons. They are in countless myriads the whole length of the river.")
April 22, 1852 ("I see swarms of gnats in the air. ")
April 22, 1858 ("Hear martins about a box. ")
April 22, 1860 ("And in one place we disturb great clouds of the little fuzzy gnats that were resting on the bushes.")
April 24, 1855 ("That fine slaty-blue butterfly, bigger than the small red, in wood-paths ")
April 24, 1857 (“Sail to Ball's Hill. The water is at its height, higher than before this year. I see a few shad-flies on its surface.”)
April 25, 1852 ("The bees hum on the early willows that grow in the sand. They appear to have nearly stripped the sterile flowers of their pollen, and each has its little yellow parcel. The year is stretching itself, is waking up.")
April 25, 1854 ("Many shad-flies in the air and alighting on my clothes. The summer approaches by almost insensibly increasing lieferungs of heat, each awakening some new bird or quadruped or reptile . . .I hear the woods filled with the hum of insects, as if my hearing were affected; and thus the summer's quire begins.  The silent spaces have begun to be filled with notes of birds and insects and the peep and croak and snore of frogs, even as living green blades are everywhere pushing up amid the sere ones. ")
 April 25, 1858 ("Approaching the Island, I hear the phe phe, phe phe, phe phe, phe phe, phe, the sharp whistling note, of a fish hawk, and, looking round, see him just afterward launching away from one of the swamp white oaks southwest of the Island. . . . He sails along some eighty feet above the water’s edge, looking for fish, and alights again quite near.")
April 25, 1859 ("First notice martins.")
April 25, 1859 ( "I got to-day and yesterday the first decided impression of greenness beginning to prevail")
April 26, 1855 ("See and hear chewinks, — all their strains; the same date with last year, by accident. ")
April 26, 1855  ("The blossoms of the red maple (some a yellowish green) are now most generally conspicuous and handsome scarlet crescents over the swamps. ")
April 26, 1858 ("See a chewink (male) in the Kettell place woods.")
 April 26, 1860 ("the cold weather of yesterday; the chilling wind came from a snow-clad country.")
April 26, 1860 ("Red maples are past prime. I have noticed their handsome crescents over distant swamps commonly for some ten days. At height, then, say the 21st. They are especially handsome when seen between you and the sunlit trees.")
April 27, 1852 ("Observed the spotted tortoise in the water of the meadow on J. Hosmer's land, by riverside. Bright-yellow spots on both shell and head. . . as if, when they were finished in other respects, the maker had sprinkled them with a brush.")
April 27, 1852 ("On Conantum Cliffs I find to-day for the first time the early saxifrage (Saxifraga vernalis) in blossom, growing high and dry in the narrow seams, where there is no soil for it but a little green moss. It is one of the first flowers, not only in the spring of the year, but in the spring of the world. ")
April 27, 1854 ("I hear the black and white creeper's note, — seeser seeser seeser se.")
April 27, 1854 ("The yellow redpolls still numerous; sing chill lill lill lill lill lill.")
April 27, 1855 (" The principal singer on this walk, both in wood and field away from town, is the field sparrow..")
April 27, 1855  (" The black and white creepers running over the trunks or main limbs of red maples and uttering their fainter oven-bird—like notes.")
April 27, 1860 (" There is a certain summeriness in the air now, especially under a warm cliff like this, where you smell the very dry leaves, and hear the pine warbler and the hum of insects and see considerable growth and greenness.")

April 29, 1855 ("Viola ovata will open to-morrow.")
April 29, 1855 ("Dandelions out yesterday, at least.")
April 29, 1856 ( How pretty a red maple in bloom (they are now in prime), seen in the sun against a pine wood, like these little ones in the swamp against the neighboring wood, they are so light and ethereal, not a heavy mass of color impeding the passage of the light, and they are of so cheerful and lively a color.")
April 29, 1856 ("At mid forenoon saw a fish hawk flying leisurely over the house northeasterly. ")
April 29, 1857 ("See a dandelion, its conspicuous bright-yellow disk in the midst of a green space on the moist bank. It seems a sudden and decided progress in the season.")
April 29, 1859 ("See and hear a black and white creeper. ")
April 29, 1859 ("Those red maples are reddest in which the fertile flowers prevail.")
April 30, 1855 ("Those myriads of little fuzzy gnats mentioned on the 21st and 28th must afford an abundance of food to insectivorous birds. Many new birds should have arrived about the 21st. There were plenty of myrtle-birds and yellow redpolls where the gnats were.")
April 30, 1852 ("The huckleberry-bird sings.")
April 30, 1855 ("Many new birds should have arrived about the 21st. There were plenty of myrtle-birds and yellow redpolls  . . .Hear a short, rasping note, somewhat tweezer-bird like, I think from a yellow redpoll.")
April 30, 1859 ("That interesting small blue butterfly (size of small red) is apparently just out, fluttering over the warm dry oak leaves within the wood in the sun. ")
May 1, 1852 ("I hear the first towhee finch. He says to-wee, to-wee, and another, much farther off than I supposed when I went in search of him, says whip your ch-r-r-r-r-r-r, with a metallic ring.")
May 1, 1854 ("The water is strewn with myriads of wrecked shad flies erect on the surface, with their wings up like so many schooners all headed one way")

April 29, 2015

If you make the least correct 
observation of nature this year,
 you will have occasion to repeat it
 with illustrations the next, 
and the season and life itself is prolonged.

   April  2< <<<<<  April 28  >>>>> April 29

A Book of the Seasons,  by Henry Thoreau
A Book of the Seasons,  by Henry Thoreau, April 28
"A book, each page written in its own season,
out-of-doors, in its own locality.”
~edited, assembled and rewritten by zphx © 2009-2022


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