Morning. Awake at the lake. Unable to relax because of the business of the day. But force myself to sit on the dock for an hour until sunlight breaks the dawn and lights the fog in West Castleton bay. See one osprey, a busy muskrat, mallards floating and mallards in whistling fast flight, noisy geese all the way from Rabbit island around Neshobe island splash off the point, then cruise across the lake. Song sparrow, chickadee, phoebe all alive and singing behind me. It seems the sapsuckers have quieted down.
Evening. Home in the woods. Jane in the last two days with help of cortisone has been able to walk alone in the woods for the first time in two years since her operation. She takes me with her tonight and shows me where not to step on the woodland flowers now out: dutchmen's breeches; trout lily, trillium, wood violet, spring beauty and others. Hermit thrush is back! The first day. Perhaps five in one spot with their circular flute calling. She teaches me how to distinguish its voice from the wood thrush. Arriving back at our driveway in just enough light to see we hear an extended throaty vocalization, exuberant i might say, of a barred owl. Well beyond "who cooks for you."
It is morning and it is evening 25 April 2009.
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