Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Full moon; by boat to Hubbard's Bend.

July 8. 

Saturday. P. M. – To Assabet Bathing Place.

The 4th and 5th were the hot bathing days thus far; thermometer at 98 and 96 respectively. 

8 p. m. — Full moon; by boat to Hubbard's Bend .

There is wind, making it cooler and keeping off fog, delicious on water. The moon reflected from the rippled surface like a stream of dollars. I hear a few toads still. See a bat; how long? The bullfrogs trump from time to time. The whip-poor-wills are heard, and the baying of dogs.

H. D. Thoreau, Journal, July 8, 1854

The moon reflected from the rippled surface like a stream of dollars.  See June 13, 1851 (“I see reflections of the moon seeming to slide along a few inches with each wave before they are extinguished like so many lustrous burnished coins poured from a bag. ”)

all hot and sweaty the air is muggy covered with bug dope and sweat. skin all itchy happy as punch at the top of the view watching a sunset  and clouds roll by. the crows call a convention a junco comes to see us. the black throated green and hermits happy as punch i go down to the clearing pick a handful of raspberries, offer them to jane, and eat.

I go down to the
clearing pick a handful of
raspberries and eat.

zphx July 8, 2013

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