Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Something in the air and light

February 18

Now for the first time decidedly there is something spring-suggesting in the air and light. 

February 18, 2022

Though not particularly warm, the light of the sun (now travelling so much higher) on the russet fields, —the ground being nearly all bare, —and on the sand and the pines, is suddenly yellower.

It is the earliest day-breaking of the year. 

We now begin to look decidedly forward and put the winter behind us. We begin to form definite plans for the approaching spring and summer. 

The winter darkness will not recover the ground it has lost. 

I listen ever for something springlike in the notes of birds, some peculiar tinkling notes.

H. D. Thoreau, Journal, February 18, 1855

There is something spring-suggesting in the air and light. See February 9, 1854 ("There is a peculiar softness and luminousness in the air this morning . . . such a warm, moist, or softened, sunlit air as we are wont to hear the first bluebird's warlbe in."); See also A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, Signs of the Spring: Change in the Air

The light of the sun (now travelling so much higher) . . .is suddenly yellower. See  February 16, 1856 ("The sun is most pleasantly warm on my cheek"); See also  A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, Signs of the Spring: the new warmth of the sun

I listen ever for something springlike in the notes of birds, some peculiar tinkling notes. See February 18, 1857 ("The snow is nearly all gone, and it is so warm and springlike that I walk over to the hill, listening for spring birds."); See also A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, Signs of the Spring: Listening for the Bluebird

February 18. See A Book of the Seasons, by Henry Thoreau, February 18

Now for the first time
something in the air and light
is spring-suggesting. 

A Book of the Seasons
,  by Henry Thoreau 
"A book, each page written in its own season,
out-of-doors, in its own locality.”
~edited, assembled and rewritten by zphx © 2009-2025

The winter darkness will not recover the ground it has lost.

These late winter days
the light is early –

the snow, the cold, the dark
no longer a threat

now the deep solitude of winter
is a parting friend –

winter lingers
one last wet kiss.

zphx ~20120224

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