Thursday, October 7, 2021

Elms bare.


October 6 and October 7. 

October 7, 2013

Windy. Elms bare.

H. D. Thoreau, Journal, October 6 & 7, 1853

See October 7, 1852 ("In the village, the warm brownish-yellow elms") See also  September 28, 1857 ("Had one of those sudden cool gusts, which . . . caused the elms to labor and drop many leaves, early in afternoon. No such gust since spring."); September 29,1854 ("The elm leaves have in some places more than half fallen");  October 1, 1858 ("The harvest of elm leaves is come, or at hand. "); October 10, 1853 ("Cooler and windy at sunset, and the elm leaves come down again.”); October 12, 1852 (" The elms in the village, losing their leaves, reveal the birds' nests.”); October 13, 1858 ("The elms are at least half bare."); October 17, 1857 (“A great many more ash trees, elms, etc., are bare now.”)

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