Thursday, July 16, 2015

Cape cod blueberries

July 16.

Why not have one large reflector instead of many small ones, for a strong light? 

Uva-ursi berries begin to redden. Beach-grass grows on the highest land here. 

Uncle Sam tells of sea-turtles, which he regarded as natives, as big as a barrel, found on the marsh; of more than one kind. Call the fishing captains skippers. 

The oak wood north of Rich’s or Dyer’s Hollow, say twenty years old, nine feet high. 

Can see soil on edge of bank covered five feet deep with sand which has blown up, on the highest part of bank. See three black snakes on sand just behind edge of bank. 

Blueberries only one inch high.

H. D. Thoreau, Journal, July 16, 1855

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